I'm once again at a place in my life where I have a couple of friends going through really hard times in their marriages. With these around me struggling, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about and pondering marriage. And David and I have talked a lot about our marriage and how to keep it safe and protected.
So I've been thinking about what happens in a marriage? What makes things even start down the wrong path? Here are a few thoughts I've had...
I think sometimes at the beginning of a marriage there are several misconceptions. These are misconceptions that any good premarital counselor goes over with a couple before they get married, but they are also things I don't think the average person thinks will happen to them. So either they don't pay that close of attention or they totally dismiss what is being said during counseling. So we enter a marriage all happy and hopeful and in love. Which is great, until "real life" sets in!
I think most people go into marriage wanting the same things: a life partner, a friend, someone to help make decisions with, someone to support us in life and work. Seems pretty simple, hu? Then why is marriage so hard? Why are there marriages falling apart all around?
It's because marriages don't just happen. A marriage and a wedding are 2 different things! A wedding is the easy part (which is a laugh if you've ever planned a wedding!) and the daily-ness of marriage is the hard part.
We love the person we're married to, so why is it hard? Because we're all human that's why. We make mistakes. We say things, do things, and act in ways that hurt the person we're married to. Often these things start out innocent enough. I think very few people wake up one morning and think "today, I'm going to say something hurtful to my spouse!" But sometimes that happens. Then you add in the "normal"(children, school, jobs, money, cars, house)stresses of daily life and eventually - if not handled correctly - these "little things" turn into big things and then they get bigger and bigger and before we know it things "just aren't good anymore."
Then for some reason (I guess mostly cause it's kinda hard) people don't talk about it. They just keep on in their unhappy state, fuming and holding grudges and before we know it there's a huge wall and neither person knows how it got so big or how to deal with it's size now.
I don't have the answers here, these are just my thoughts... but men and women are so very different and it's a process learning how to talk to each other - and talking to each other is key. It's hard, I know. I'm not the best communicator, and often I handle things in the wrong way, or at the wrong time, but thankfully David is patient and understanding and we usually get around to the issue. Of course this process in itself can sometimes be painful!
I think the other thing that married couples forget to do or don't do - is spend time alone with each other. This is especially true if there are children in the home. We get to busy doing "stuff" and taking care of the house, laundry, etc... that we forget how important it is to spend time alone together! As a very wise friend pointed out the other day - in not that many years, the kids will be gone but my husband will not. So that relationship is so important to foster! Taking time for each other is key!
I have a bunch more to say on this topic. But I've been writing and rewriting this post for nearly a week now, so I'm gonna post this and then just add another post at another time!
On a last note... if you and your spouse are having trouble - seek help. Call a friend (preferably of the same gender!), a pastor, a counselor... someone who can listen to you and pray with you and support you! Satan wants nothing more than to take down as many marriages as he can. Let's not let that happen!
So I've been thinking about what happens in a marriage? What makes things even start down the wrong path? Here are a few thoughts I've had...
I think sometimes at the beginning of a marriage there are several misconceptions. These are misconceptions that any good premarital counselor goes over with a couple before they get married, but they are also things I don't think the average person thinks will happen to them. So either they don't pay that close of attention or they totally dismiss what is being said during counseling. So we enter a marriage all happy and hopeful and in love. Which is great, until "real life" sets in!
I think most people go into marriage wanting the same things: a life partner, a friend, someone to help make decisions with, someone to support us in life and work. Seems pretty simple, hu? Then why is marriage so hard? Why are there marriages falling apart all around?
It's because marriages don't just happen. A marriage and a wedding are 2 different things! A wedding is the easy part (which is a laugh if you've ever planned a wedding!) and the daily-ness of marriage is the hard part.
We love the person we're married to, so why is it hard? Because we're all human that's why. We make mistakes. We say things, do things, and act in ways that hurt the person we're married to. Often these things start out innocent enough. I think very few people wake up one morning and think "today, I'm going to say something hurtful to my spouse!" But sometimes that happens. Then you add in the "normal"(children, school, jobs, money, cars, house)stresses of daily life and eventually - if not handled correctly - these "little things" turn into big things and then they get bigger and bigger and before we know it things "just aren't good anymore."
Then for some reason (I guess mostly cause it's kinda hard) people don't talk about it. They just keep on in their unhappy state, fuming and holding grudges and before we know it there's a huge wall and neither person knows how it got so big or how to deal with it's size now.
I don't have the answers here, these are just my thoughts... but men and women are so very different and it's a process learning how to talk to each other - and talking to each other is key. It's hard, I know. I'm not the best communicator, and often I handle things in the wrong way, or at the wrong time, but thankfully David is patient and understanding and we usually get around to the issue. Of course this process in itself can sometimes be painful!
I think the other thing that married couples forget to do or don't do - is spend time alone with each other. This is especially true if there are children in the home. We get to busy doing "stuff" and taking care of the house, laundry, etc... that we forget how important it is to spend time alone together! As a very wise friend pointed out the other day - in not that many years, the kids will be gone but my husband will not. So that relationship is so important to foster! Taking time for each other is key!
I have a bunch more to say on this topic. But I've been writing and rewriting this post for nearly a week now, so I'm gonna post this and then just add another post at another time!
On a last note... if you and your spouse are having trouble - seek help. Call a friend (preferably of the same gender!), a pastor, a counselor... someone who can listen to you and pray with you and support you! Satan wants nothing more than to take down as many marriages as he can. Let's not let that happen!
First hints...
The weather in NC is normally hot and humid in the summer time. And you can expect those types of temperatures until at least mid to late September, and often into early October.
Which I really don't mind usually! I like summer. I like summer activities, playing in the pool, going to the lake, going to the beach. I like being outside in the sun! And we've had a great summer doing all those things! It's really been all I could have hoped for!
But this past weekend was unseasonably cool and it was really nice! We had a really good weekend, it was nothing unusually special. Breakfast with the in laws and then home to do some cleaning of the stuff that was living in our crawl space due to mold (that's a whole different post!), and in general just hangin' out and getting stuff done. It was nice to be able to be outside and work and not completely sweat to death! It was nice to have all the window's open!
I might have to say, even a bit hesitantly, that I might be looking forward to fall. There are things I am growing to love about fall weather such as the aforementioned open windows, and doing stuff outside, but also it brings the need for routine since we're on a school schedule, which I like.
Fall also brings football! This is a newer thing here at the Winslow house... we're developing a new appreciation for football and I think it's a great reason to have friends over and hang out! I love a reason to have friends together!
So I think I'm looking forward to fall this year!
Which I really don't mind usually! I like summer. I like summer activities, playing in the pool, going to the lake, going to the beach. I like being outside in the sun! And we've had a great summer doing all those things! It's really been all I could have hoped for!
But this past weekend was unseasonably cool and it was really nice! We had a really good weekend, it was nothing unusually special. Breakfast with the in laws and then home to do some cleaning of the stuff that was living in our crawl space due to mold (that's a whole different post!), and in general just hangin' out and getting stuff done. It was nice to be able to be outside and work and not completely sweat to death! It was nice to have all the window's open!
I might have to say, even a bit hesitantly, that I might be looking forward to fall. There are things I am growing to love about fall weather such as the aforementioned open windows, and doing stuff outside, but also it brings the need for routine since we're on a school schedule, which I like.
Fall also brings football! This is a newer thing here at the Winslow house... we're developing a new appreciation for football and I think it's a great reason to have friends over and hang out! I love a reason to have friends together!
So I think I'm looking forward to fall this year!
Busy, busy, busy!
Let me just tell ya - life around here has changed! I thought we were busy before! My goodness!! Are we ever busy now!
It's all good stuff that is keeping us busy! I like busy, but I also like some time to just be at home and be with my family and be still!
In addition to Luke starting school, Avery will start next week on the 8th, (both kids at new schools), I've also added another "client" to my personal chef "business". It's all very exciting!
As for school - big kid school - this is the biggest change in our lives! The hardest adjustment has been the schedule. Since Luke attends a wonderful charter school, there are no buses (which I wouldn't put my 5 year old on a bus now-a-days anyway) I have to take him and pick him up. Well, we're a good 12 - 15 miles and with traffic, it's about a 20 minute drive. So we get going pretty early in the morning.
Early in the morning isn't usually a problem for Luke. He's an early riser, but to get up, get dressed, get teeth brushed, eat and get out the door with all our stuff... that's taking some getting used to! Overall, he's doing really, really well and I think (after a full week and a half) that I'm finally getting into the swing of things myself.
Then I get him in the afternoon. He's usually in a great mood and has only had homework one time, but he really enjoyed doing that. I know there will be more after Labor day, and I think that will be good for him. Something to help him transition from school to home! I love that he loves school and homework and all that! I hope it lasts a long time!
Bed time is another adjustment. We're trying to get him in bed at an early hour since he's totally exhausted after school. And no matter how tired he is or how late he stays up, he's still awake about 6:15 - 6:30 every morning. So going to bed early is important! We're aiming for about 7:30, but some nights it's still 8PM. He defiantly does better if he has more sleep! He's much less weepy and happier in general when he's in bed and asleep earlier!
The early bed time does really cut back on our ability to go out in the evenings! We weren't really going out that much before, but since every week night is a school night now, we don't have the flexibility we used to have! But that's OK, cause I want him to wake up each morning feeling rested and ready for a good day!
And then - as some of you know - it's consignment sale time around here! I've been to two so far, and I'm consigning at one of them coming up in 2 weeks! So I've been busy tagging and sorting and organizing stuff for that! I love getting a good deal on cloths and stuff for the kids!
Then there's the upcoming 10 year anniversary trip! I'm slowly getting everything in order for that! It'll be here before I know it, and I'm afraid I won't be ready!!! But no matter what I don't have ready - I have formal dresses and shoes for our formal dinner nights and I couldn't be more excited about that if I tried! There will be more posts on the upcoming trip soon!
And like I said before I also took on another family to cook for, but I'll tell you all about that in another post also!
Let's just sum it up like this. I am busy, busy, busy - but really enjoying the different stage of life we're in now. I don't want it to go by too fast and me miss it!
It's all good stuff that is keeping us busy! I like busy, but I also like some time to just be at home and be with my family and be still!
In addition to Luke starting school, Avery will start next week on the 8th, (both kids at new schools), I've also added another "client" to my personal chef "business". It's all very exciting!
As for school - big kid school - this is the biggest change in our lives! The hardest adjustment has been the schedule. Since Luke attends a wonderful charter school, there are no buses (which I wouldn't put my 5 year old on a bus now-a-days anyway) I have to take him and pick him up. Well, we're a good 12 - 15 miles and with traffic, it's about a 20 minute drive. So we get going pretty early in the morning.
Early in the morning isn't usually a problem for Luke. He's an early riser, but to get up, get dressed, get teeth brushed, eat and get out the door with all our stuff... that's taking some getting used to! Overall, he's doing really, really well and I think (after a full week and a half) that I'm finally getting into the swing of things myself.
Then I get him in the afternoon. He's usually in a great mood and has only had homework one time, but he really enjoyed doing that. I know there will be more after Labor day, and I think that will be good for him. Something to help him transition from school to home! I love that he loves school and homework and all that! I hope it lasts a long time!
Bed time is another adjustment. We're trying to get him in bed at an early hour since he's totally exhausted after school. And no matter how tired he is or how late he stays up, he's still awake about 6:15 - 6:30 every morning. So going to bed early is important! We're aiming for about 7:30, but some nights it's still 8PM. He defiantly does better if he has more sleep! He's much less weepy and happier in general when he's in bed and asleep earlier!
The early bed time does really cut back on our ability to go out in the evenings! We weren't really going out that much before, but since every week night is a school night now, we don't have the flexibility we used to have! But that's OK, cause I want him to wake up each morning feeling rested and ready for a good day!
And then - as some of you know - it's consignment sale time around here! I've been to two so far, and I'm consigning at one of them coming up in 2 weeks! So I've been busy tagging and sorting and organizing stuff for that! I love getting a good deal on cloths and stuff for the kids!
Then there's the upcoming 10 year anniversary trip! I'm slowly getting everything in order for that! It'll be here before I know it, and I'm afraid I won't be ready!!! But no matter what I don't have ready - I have formal dresses and shoes for our formal dinner nights and I couldn't be more excited about that if I tried! There will be more posts on the upcoming trip soon!
And like I said before I also took on another family to cook for, but I'll tell you all about that in another post also!
Let's just sum it up like this. I am busy, busy, busy - but really enjoying the different stage of life we're in now. I don't want it to go by too fast and me miss it!
Cookin' Eggs
It's been a while since I've posted about weight loss, food, cooking, exercising or any of that! But rest asured I'm still on the plan.
Currently I'm not actively loosing any more weight, just working on toneing and keeping in shape! I'm also not keeping a daily log of my calorie intake - which proves to me that writing down EVERY SINGLE thing you eat in a day has a TON to do with how much weight a person losses. It makes a huge difference! Right now, I'm happy to maintain my weight and continue to eat (mostly) healthy.
I am still doing the cooking thing. I am actively cooking at home most nights during the week, and some still on the weekends. Although this seems to be changing very slowly as the kids are doing better and better at eating out. Of course our favorite meal to eat out is breakfast, since the kids are at their best then!
So yesterday was one of those days I just didn't feel like cooking dinner! AND normally I would just call David and say I didn't want to cook, so let's go out (which would most likely mean Chick-fil-A, again, cause the kids do well there!) and he would be OK with that. Then we would both eat more calories than either of us needed for the day. BUT luckily for me I was cooking for another family! So I'm forced to stay on track - which is a really, really good thing! I'm really glad I have this accountability!!!
What was for dinner you may ask? I used a Biggest Looser recipe... it's called Wild West Frittata and some breakfast sweet potatoes. They were so very yummy and pretty easy! This is a good kinda thing to make on a night I don't feel much like cooking. It's easy, and healthy and it tastes good! It's a good thing all around!
Gotta keep it simple when I'm not in the mood to cook. It's nice to have the simple yet yummy and easy egg dishes to fall back on!
Currently I'm not actively loosing any more weight, just working on toneing and keeping in shape! I'm also not keeping a daily log of my calorie intake - which proves to me that writing down EVERY SINGLE thing you eat in a day has a TON to do with how much weight a person losses. It makes a huge difference! Right now, I'm happy to maintain my weight and continue to eat (mostly) healthy.
I am still doing the cooking thing. I am actively cooking at home most nights during the week, and some still on the weekends. Although this seems to be changing very slowly as the kids are doing better and better at eating out. Of course our favorite meal to eat out is breakfast, since the kids are at their best then!
So yesterday was one of those days I just didn't feel like cooking dinner! AND normally I would just call David and say I didn't want to cook, so let's go out (which would most likely mean Chick-fil-A, again, cause the kids do well there!) and he would be OK with that. Then we would both eat more calories than either of us needed for the day. BUT luckily for me I was cooking for another family! So I'm forced to stay on track - which is a really, really good thing! I'm really glad I have this accountability!!!
What was for dinner you may ask? I used a Biggest Looser recipe... it's called Wild West Frittata and some breakfast sweet potatoes. They were so very yummy and pretty easy! This is a good kinda thing to make on a night I don't feel much like cooking. It's easy, and healthy and it tastes good! It's a good thing all around!
Gotta keep it simple when I'm not in the mood to cook. It's nice to have the simple yet yummy and easy egg dishes to fall back on!
First Day of Kindergarten
Today opened a new chapter at the Winslow household!
Today one of the Winslow's returned to Greensboro Academy! The school where I spent 6 great years teaching!!
And this morning I took my first born child there. Walked him in, unpacked his stuff, helped him get settled and LEFT him there! All alone!!
Well, OK - he wasn't alone, Mrs. Anne Shaw was there - as were the rest of his classmates!
But for me, it seemed like it was all alone!
Did I cry - nope, actually I didn't! I surprised even myself with no tears!
Luke was so excited about being there and all the new stuff, that I couldn't cry. I didn't need to. He was comfortable and happy, and that made me feel happy as well!
I wanna give a big thanks to Mrs. Shaw (her and I were - are - good friends from my years teaching, so I wanna call her Anne all the time, but since Luke has to call her Mrs. Shaw - I'll try to also!) for making his first day - the first day in a long, LONG school life - really great!
Here is my favorite little conversation for this afternoon...
Me: Did you have a good day?
Luke: Yup! And do you know what? I was at school for like 6 and 1/2 hours?!!
Me: Did Mrs. Shaw tell you that?
Luke: yup! And GUESS WHAT????
Me: What?
Luke: (in a super excited voice!) I GET TO GO BACK TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No sweeter words were spoken today!!!!
Thank you all for your prayers and thank the Good Lord Jesus for caring about every detail of our lives!
A few pictures of my little man!
She's Amazing
If you've been reading with me for the last few weeks, you know that I've been working on potty training Avery. And I gotta say, she's amazing! She's had very few accidents, some were simply my fault, others where when she was so sleepy she didn't know what she was doing!
Overall, I would say, she's got it. She's telling me when she has to go, or just going all on her own. The only trouble she's having seems to be getting her bottoms put back on... one thing at a time right?!?!
But here is the really amazing thing...
She's been dry every morning - EVERY MORNING - for like 4 or 5 nights! I cannot believe it! And the other night when she was awake (that's a whole different post, she's taking steroids, so she wasn't sleeping well!) she told me she had to go peep peep (that's what she calls it!)!
I'm so proud of her, I could turn inside out!
I'm still carrying around all the extra things you do when they are potty training - extra cloths, wipes, diapers in case it gets really bad, M&M;s,and a small potty in the back of the car! Mostly I haven't needed the extra stuff, and it's bad when I forget the M&M's, but she's doing great!
The potty in the car has been great too! I got that idea from a friend who's daughter was potty training the same time as Luke. It's a great idea, and it was wonderful to have it when we were at WalMart the other day! It's so much nicer to do all that in the back of the car, rather than the nasty WM bathroom!

I"m a proud Mommy for sure!
And glad to be seeing the last of diapers in my life!
Overall, I would say, she's got it. She's telling me when she has to go, or just going all on her own. The only trouble she's having seems to be getting her bottoms put back on... one thing at a time right?!?!
But here is the really amazing thing...
She's been dry every morning - EVERY MORNING - for like 4 or 5 nights! I cannot believe it! And the other night when she was awake (that's a whole different post, she's taking steroids, so she wasn't sleeping well!) she told me she had to go peep peep (that's what she calls it!)!
I'm so proud of her, I could turn inside out!
I'm still carrying around all the extra things you do when they are potty training - extra cloths, wipes, diapers in case it gets really bad, M&M;s,and a small potty in the back of the car! Mostly I haven't needed the extra stuff, and it's bad when I forget the M&M's, but she's doing great!
The potty in the car has been great too! I got that idea from a friend who's daughter was potty training the same time as Luke. It's a great idea, and it was wonderful to have it when we were at WalMart the other day! It's so much nicer to do all that in the back of the car, rather than the nasty WM bathroom!
and who wouldn't want to peep on a princess potty?!?!
So, if I could be so bold as to say - Avery is potty trained!!!!!I"m a proud Mommy for sure!
And glad to be seeing the last of diapers in my life!
Fall Consignment Sales
Again, it's the wonderful time of the year! I'm working personally here at home to get stuff all together and tagged and ready to consign! Yippee!! But listed below are some of the sales in this area. So for those of you who are far away - this won't do you any good. Sorry!
Greensboro Mothers of Multiples Children's Consignment Sale
C3 Church Greensboro
300 NC Hwy 68 South
Greensboro, NC 27409
Thurs, Aug 26 from 7pm-9pm
Fri, Aug 27 from 9am-7pm
Sat, Aug 28 from 8am-12pm (most items 1/2 price)
Main Street United Methodist Church
306 South Main Street
Kernersville, NC 27284
Friday, Sept 24th 9am - 2pm; 5-7pm
Saturday, Sept 25th 9am - noon
Fountain of Life Preschool Consignment Sale
323 Hopkins Rd
Kernersville, NC 27284
Thurs. Sept 16, 5pm-8pm
Fri. Sept 17, 9am-2pm
Sat. Sept 18, 7am-1pm
Christ United Methodist Church - Greensboro
410 North Holden Road
Greensboro, NC 27410
Friday, October 1 from 9:30am-8pm
Saturday, October 2 from 8am-1pm (Half-Price Sale)
Friendly Avenue Christian Preschool4800 W. Friendly Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27410
Friday, August 13, 2010, 9:00am to 6:00pm
* Saturday, August 14, 2010,
8:00am to 12:00pm * Half Price Day
St. Paul's Catholic Church Sale2715 Horsepen Creek Rd
Greensboro, NC 27410
Friday, Sept 10th 9 am - 8 pm
Saturday, Sept 11th 8 am - 1 pm Half price sale
Guilford College UMC Children's & Maternity Consignment Sale1205 Fleming Road
Greensboro, NC 27410
August 27 from 9am-7pm
August 28 from 9am-1pm 50% Off Selected Items
Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church
2600 Pisgah Church Rd
Greensboro, NC 27455
Friday, Sept 24 from 9:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday, Sept 25 from 8:00am - 1:00pm
Christ Community Church Consignment Sale
369 Air Harbor Road
Greensboro, NC 27455
Sat Sept 11th 8am-12 pm
CLOSED Sat Sept 11th 12pm-1pm
Sat Sept 11th 1pm-4pm 1/2 price sale
First Presbyterian Church - GreensboroMULLEN LIFE CENTER (Corner's of Fisher and Greene Avenues)
617 N Elm St
Greensboro, NC 27401
Friday, Sept 17 from 9:15 am - 7 pm
Saturday, Sept 18 from 8 am until Noon
There are SEVERAL more, I don't have them all listed. And some there aren't dates for - or I don't have those dates for yet. You can see a list at this site.
Greensboro Mothers of Multiples Children's Consignment Sale
C3 Church Greensboro
300 NC Hwy 68 South
Greensboro, NC 27409
Thurs, Aug 26 from 7pm-9pm
Fri, Aug 27 from 9am-7pm
Sat, Aug 28 from 8am-12pm (most items 1/2 price)
Main Street United Methodist Church
306 South Main Street
Kernersville, NC 27284
Friday, Sept 24th 9am - 2pm; 5-7pm
Saturday, Sept 25th 9am - noon
Fountain of Life Preschool Consignment Sale
323 Hopkins Rd
Kernersville, NC 27284
Thurs. Sept 16, 5pm-8pm
Fri. Sept 17, 9am-2pm
Sat. Sept 18, 7am-1pm
Christ United Methodist Church - Greensboro
410 North Holden Road
Greensboro, NC 27410
Friday, October 1 from 9:30am-8pm
Saturday, October 2 from 8am-1pm (Half-Price Sale)
Friendly Avenue Christian Preschool4800 W. Friendly Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27410
Friday, August 13, 2010, 9:00am to 6:00pm
* Saturday, August 14, 2010,
8:00am to 12:00pm * Half Price Day
St. Paul's Catholic Church Sale2715 Horsepen Creek Rd
Greensboro, NC 27410
Friday, Sept 10th 9 am - 8 pm
Saturday, Sept 11th 8 am - 1 pm Half price sale
Guilford College UMC Children's & Maternity Consignment Sale1205 Fleming Road
Greensboro, NC 27410
August 27 from 9am-7pm
August 28 from 9am-1pm 50% Off Selected Items
Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church
2600 Pisgah Church Rd
Greensboro, NC 27455
Friday, Sept 24 from 9:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday, Sept 25 from 8:00am - 1:00pm
Christ Community Church Consignment Sale
369 Air Harbor Road
Greensboro, NC 27455
Sat Sept 11th 8am-12 pm
CLOSED Sat Sept 11th 12pm-1pm
Sat Sept 11th 1pm-4pm 1/2 price sale
First Presbyterian Church - GreensboroMULLEN LIFE CENTER (Corner's of Fisher and Greene Avenues)
617 N Elm St
Greensboro, NC 27401
Friday, Sept 17 from 9:15 am - 7 pm
Saturday, Sept 18 from 8 am until Noon
There are SEVERAL more, I don't have them all listed. And some there aren't dates for - or I don't have those dates for yet. You can see a list at this site.
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- "My car can go 10 miles pen hour."
- When talking to me about Elijah "He was taken to heaven in horses of fire and cherries of fire!"
- "Rubbish!"
- As told to Nanny: "A boogie snuck in my nose, now I have to figuare out how to sneak it back out!"
- "Why are we going so slow? Me:because all the cars have slowed down." Luke: "Well, it's very surprising and mysterious!"
- "They have a hick hockey table at Chucky Cheeses."
- "On Daddy's empty day he can play with me."
- "When I ride my bike and go real fast, I gotta reply the brakes when I go fast!"
- "I don't like the way Jane smells!"
- "Daddy knows everything about computers and I know a LOT about trains!"
- "Daddy's my best buddy!"
- "I must have lost my mind!"
- "Bless my little heart!"
- I'm a stay at home mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I have 2 kids - one 5 year old and a 2 and a half years old. I'll do my best to keep the blog updated! Hope you enjoy!
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