Product Panda
I have loved product since I was 5 and used to wear my mom's bright blue Mary Kay eye shadow around the house. Anyone that has been in my bedroom can attest to the incredible amount of makeup, perfume, lotion, shampoo and tools I have scattered around. I have been home sick today ( my yearly strep/ear infection) and reading a lot of make up blogs. I wish I had the kind of time these girls do to devote to talking about eye shadow. Seriously, I'm not being snarky, I want to spend my days debating Sephora vs Ulta ( Sephora, duh). As a busy career panda though I had to work my daily routine down to 15 products that consistently make me look young and not tired.

Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel $7
I never had acne as a teenager but as a 30 year old I seem to be getting little flare ups every month. The 5% benzoyle Peroxide seems to be the key here. I can get higher concentrations but they dry my skin out, any lower and they don't work.

Revlon Photo Ready Foundation $14 Target
I don't even remember the foundations I have been wearing the past 15 years. I found this stuff a few months ago and love it. Good coverage and a little bit of shimmer.

Hard Candy Color Correction Palate $8
This got terrible reviews on and I don't know why. I bought the medium and use the two lighter shades on my eyes and any blemishes and then use the green to kill any redness. I don't have much use for the yellow or pink but if I ever get a black eye I will be sure to use them.

Sonia Kashuk Makeup Sponge $10
You are probably thinking I am stupid for paying $10 for one sponge. Well, you can suck it. This thing is worth the $10. It is super dense and spreads liquid make up around evenly without absorbing a ton of product. It lasts about a year too.

Victoria's Secret Eyeliner in Exotic Plum $12
As someone with green-ish eyes I can get away with purple eyeliner. So I do! I wear this almost every day. It's not a garish purple, but really dark, almost black.

Bare Escentuals eye shadow in 2000 $13
I just used up the last of this. It lasted about 3 years with 4x per week wear. I wear it almost every day in the winter and on special occasions in the summer. It's a bright, shiny blue-ish silver. If I keep layering it I can make it all drag queen or just do one layer and be kind of subtle. I normally go for drag queen.

Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara $15
The next best thing to Dior Show.

Shu Umera Eye Lash Curler $20
fits my eye shape and makes a tight curl. Far superior to any drugstore model. Lasts about 4 years with daily use.

Aquaphor $11 Target
Lips and cuticles every night.

Victoria's Secret Heavenly Perfume. $53
If I were a guy this stuff would make me hard. I bought my first bottle at 20 and everyone loves it. I wear the body spray at work and get a lot of compliments

Bath and Body Works Body Lotion in Pear Berry and Cherry Blossom $10
Cherry Blossom is the bed time stuff. I have no idea why since the only thing I sleep with is Izzy but she seems to appreciate it. I have been wearing Pear Berry since I was 19 and the smell makes me think of Schneider Hall. I carry a bottle of the spray in my work bag and end up wearing it most days. My boss even stopped me one day to tell me how good my hair smelled. I wish this stuff could land me a date like it did back in the day.

Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel $38
Retarded expensive but awesome. Its a gel but kind of oily. I don't have to use make up remover with this either. I buy it on ebay for less than half the list price. If you want to be all straight and narrow though Ulta has it.

Dermalogica Active Moist $45
Also but from Really good stuff for people with dry skin. This will be the thing that makes me age well. Seriously.

Nars Lip Gloss in Orgasm $20
This gets almost daily wear from me. I am trying to conserve the last of " Chase The Moon" so I had to switch it up. It's very shimmery and peachy and gold. Good with a slight tan and work appropriate
Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel $7
I never had acne as a teenager but as a 30 year old I seem to be getting little flare ups every month. The 5% benzoyle Peroxide seems to be the key here. I can get higher concentrations but they dry my skin out, any lower and they don't work.
Revlon Photo Ready Foundation $14 Target
I don't even remember the foundations I have been wearing the past 15 years. I found this stuff a few months ago and love it. Good coverage and a little bit of shimmer.
Hard Candy Color Correction Palate $8
This got terrible reviews on and I don't know why. I bought the medium and use the two lighter shades on my eyes and any blemishes and then use the green to kill any redness. I don't have much use for the yellow or pink but if I ever get a black eye I will be sure to use them.
Sonia Kashuk Makeup Sponge $10
You are probably thinking I am stupid for paying $10 for one sponge. Well, you can suck it. This thing is worth the $10. It is super dense and spreads liquid make up around evenly without absorbing a ton of product. It lasts about a year too.
Victoria's Secret Eyeliner in Exotic Plum $12
As someone with green-ish eyes I can get away with purple eyeliner. So I do! I wear this almost every day. It's not a garish purple, but really dark, almost black.
Bare Escentuals eye shadow in 2000 $13
I just used up the last of this. It lasted about 3 years with 4x per week wear. I wear it almost every day in the winter and on special occasions in the summer. It's a bright, shiny blue-ish silver. If I keep layering it I can make it all drag queen or just do one layer and be kind of subtle. I normally go for drag queen.
Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara $15
The next best thing to Dior Show.
Shu Umera Eye Lash Curler $20
fits my eye shape and makes a tight curl. Far superior to any drugstore model. Lasts about 4 years with daily use.
Aquaphor $11 Target
Lips and cuticles every night.
Victoria's Secret Heavenly Perfume. $53
If I were a guy this stuff would make me hard. I bought my first bottle at 20 and everyone loves it. I wear the body spray at work and get a lot of compliments
Bath and Body Works Body Lotion in Pear Berry and Cherry Blossom $10
Cherry Blossom is the bed time stuff. I have no idea why since the only thing I sleep with is Izzy but she seems to appreciate it. I have been wearing Pear Berry since I was 19 and the smell makes me think of Schneider Hall. I carry a bottle of the spray in my work bag and end up wearing it most days. My boss even stopped me one day to tell me how good my hair smelled. I wish this stuff could land me a date like it did back in the day.
Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel $38
Retarded expensive but awesome. Its a gel but kind of oily. I don't have to use make up remover with this either. I buy it on ebay for less than half the list price. If you want to be all straight and narrow though Ulta has it.
Dermalogica Active Moist $45
Also but from Really good stuff for people with dry skin. This will be the thing that makes me age well. Seriously.
Nars Lip Gloss in Orgasm $20
This gets almost daily wear from me. I am trying to conserve the last of " Chase The Moon" so I had to switch it up. It's very shimmery and peachy and gold. Good with a slight tan and work appropriate
No longer Chasing the Moon.

I have an unreasonable devotion to a certain lip gloss. I bought my first tube at 19 and I have never been on a date when I did not wear this color. It is the perfect shade of mauve. Not too brown, perfect consistency, just the right amount of color. I went through multiple tubes of it in the past 11 years. I have always carried it in my purse and I am wearing it in the last three drivers license pictures. The problem? The bastards at Origins discontinued it in 2004. I used up my last tube then started buying tubes off ebay. As the years have gone by though the stock gets older and the consistency is off. A "new" box found in a cosmetics store online just arrived today. You can tell it's never been used but it has a weird, bacteria-y smell. I think after this tube I am out. This last package will last about a year then I am going to be without Chase The Moon for the first time in my adult life.
The search for a suitable replacement has already started. I found a very similar one at Victoria's Secret and keep it in my work bag. It has just a little too much glitter. How the hell am I supposed to find another man without Chase The Moon? Fuck you, Origins. If I end up dying alone with a bunch of cats it's because I could not attract a new man without your lip gloss.
A Wickedly good birthday
So, for the past 3 months I have seen billboards for the musical " Wicked" around town. Every time I saw signs I said " Oh my God, no way, did you guys know Wicked is coming to town? We should go". Every time I was either ignored or told " we already saw it."
I have wanted to see Wicked since 04. Having it so close and not having anyone to go with was rather disappointing. Last Wednesday night I came home from a sucky day at work to see a card laying on my lap top. I opened it and it was a card with a flying monkey on it ( I love the flying monkeys) and a ticket fell out! Upon further inspection I saw they were close up floor seats for the next night. The tickets were technically limited view but I only missed a few small things.
The next night I spent a lot of time dressing up and putting my hair in an up-do. We went out to dinner and then on to the Fox.

Marlo (left) and I outside the Fox(not pictured: Clint A. Hendricks)
The musical.Was.AWESOME. The best play I have ever seen. Our Elphaba and Galinda had amazing voices. The best part? Elphaba flies. I love when people fly in the theater. The monkeys fly too. So much flying. So much fun. We were close enough that even without my glasses I could see facial expressions. We only had one snafu when an usher came up to me and said " move your feet" Just as I was about to say " get the fuck out of my face" she clicked off her flash light and walked away. At intermission Clint explained my foot was blocking the aisle number and she did not know which row we were in. Apparently he saw the look on my face when she interrupted my play-watching and was thinking of a way to quickly diffuse the situation. Luckily, she moved away before I could respond and he did not have to intervene. Also, there is a very emotional and pertinent song at the end. I was very into it and tearing up. Just at that moment Marlo tapped me. I was about to say " what could be so damn important right now?" when I realized she was indicating her love for me. My mistake.
So it was pretty much the best birthday gift ever. I even matted and framed the Playbill. The soundtrack is ground in mine and Clint's brains. I am hoping if we just listen to it a bunch in the car we can get it out of our systems. Thanks Mar and Clint. I would not have this birthday without you.
I have wanted to see Wicked since 04. Having it so close and not having anyone to go with was rather disappointing. Last Wednesday night I came home from a sucky day at work to see a card laying on my lap top. I opened it and it was a card with a flying monkey on it ( I love the flying monkeys) and a ticket fell out! Upon further inspection I saw they were close up floor seats for the next night. The tickets were technically limited view but I only missed a few small things.
The next night I spent a lot of time dressing up and putting my hair in an up-do. We went out to dinner and then on to the Fox.

Marlo (left) and I outside the Fox(not pictured: Clint A. Hendricks)
The musical.Was.AWESOME. The best play I have ever seen. Our Elphaba and Galinda had amazing voices. The best part? Elphaba flies. I love when people fly in the theater. The monkeys fly too. So much flying. So much fun. We were close enough that even without my glasses I could see facial expressions. We only had one snafu when an usher came up to me and said " move your feet" Just as I was about to say " get the fuck out of my face" she clicked off her flash light and walked away. At intermission Clint explained my foot was blocking the aisle number and she did not know which row we were in. Apparently he saw the look on my face when she interrupted my play-watching and was thinking of a way to quickly diffuse the situation. Luckily, she moved away before I could respond and he did not have to intervene. Also, there is a very emotional and pertinent song at the end. I was very into it and tearing up. Just at that moment Marlo tapped me. I was about to say " what could be so damn important right now?" when I realized she was indicating her love for me. My mistake.
So it was pretty much the best birthday gift ever. I even matted and framed the Playbill. The soundtrack is ground in mine and Clint's brains. I am hoping if we just listen to it a bunch in the car we can get it out of our systems. Thanks Mar and Clint. I would not have this birthday without you.
Stampy Jr.
Picture it: The morning of February 7, 2000. I get a call at my mom's saying there had been a fire in my dorm room and it was a total loss. I finally get a hold of Clint and after making sure everyone was ok I ask " What about Stampy, did you find him?" I very clearly remember Clint saying " I'm sorry, I looked for Stampy and I could not find him".
I lost a lot of objects that day and the one I missed most was my Stampy; a very beautiful stuffed sea turtle. I used him as a pillow and saved him from many kidnapping attempts by Matt. Thanks to this new site called ebay I was able to replace many things I lost within a month or so of the fire, but a new Stampy evaded me.
So, every month for the next ten years I looked on ebay. I never found anything. In 2003 Pier One (the original maker of Stampy) released another sea turtle. He was the same shape and size but he was made from a different fabric and his eyes were far less friendly.
June 2010 was my lucky month. I was doing my standard look through ebay when a listing caught my eye " Pier One Imports vintage 1996 Stuffed Sea turtle" and then listed a grossly inflated price. I opened the listing and there he was! I made a slightly lower off which was accepted and the next day a new Stampy was on his way to me!
He was just as I remembered. He now sleeps on my bed and gets used as a pillow and as a kneading toy for Izzy.

In his rightful resting place

Snuggling with Izzy

Izzy has had enough of this photo shoot.
That was pretty much the most exciting thing that happened to me in June. Starting Monday I will have more posts. Marlo's niece and nephew are here for a week and we are taking them to a lot of attractions around the city
I lost a lot of objects that day and the one I missed most was my Stampy; a very beautiful stuffed sea turtle. I used him as a pillow and saved him from many kidnapping attempts by Matt. Thanks to this new site called ebay I was able to replace many things I lost within a month or so of the fire, but a new Stampy evaded me.
So, every month for the next ten years I looked on ebay. I never found anything. In 2003 Pier One (the original maker of Stampy) released another sea turtle. He was the same shape and size but he was made from a different fabric and his eyes were far less friendly.
June 2010 was my lucky month. I was doing my standard look through ebay when a listing caught my eye " Pier One Imports vintage 1996 Stuffed Sea turtle" and then listed a grossly inflated price. I opened the listing and there he was! I made a slightly lower off which was accepted and the next day a new Stampy was on his way to me!
He was just as I remembered. He now sleeps on my bed and gets used as a pillow and as a kneading toy for Izzy.
In his rightful resting place
Snuggling with Izzy
Izzy has had enough of this photo shoot.
That was pretty much the most exciting thing that happened to me in June. Starting Monday I will have more posts. Marlo's niece and nephew are here for a week and we are taking them to a lot of attractions around the city
May was pretty good. I still love my job and my school will be starting soon. I have also started looking at apartments here for the first week of July. Izzy and Sam are doing well and adorable as always. I have been working overtime and doubles so there has not been a lot of time for fun this month so no adventure pics. Today was nice, though. The subdivision pool opened so Marlo and I decided to spend the day there. I made and early morning trip to Wal-Mart to get a suit and towel. I bought the classiest options they had available and I still looked like North St Louis Barbie. the suit was brown and too low cut and had a gold thing between my boobs. The towel was zebra print since I already looked ghetto I decided to go all out and buy giant, white sun glasses to finish the look.
So, Marlo and I were bobbing around in the pool for about an hour ( and incidentally, I had about the fewest amount of tattoos there) and we decided we needed fun noodles ( those foam things from Dollar Tree). We discussed this for a while and decided to just go in to the Dollar Tree in our suits and towels and buy fun noodles. I left my sunglasses on though to hide my shame. We stayed in till about 3, I got a nice tan and was able to relax before my 70 hour work week started.
So, that's about it. This summer is shaping up to be kind of fun. We have some stuff planned; Muny plays, mine and Clint's 30th birthdays and museum events. I may even be dipping my toe back in the dating pool. It feels very uncomfortable right now, I have not dated at all since you-know-who but I need to try or I will just die alone in my apartment Miss Havisham style.
So, my sewing is going well. I made a purse! It's perfect, I am so in love with it

fabric choices

All done! I had a lot of help from Marlo but I did most of it.

Matching bag for my sun glasses

full of stuff

close up of the lining
Oh, so I guess we did one fun thing this month. We went to the miniature museum for Marlo's birthday. The museum is really just a shop front in Bevo Mills

my old neighborhood

Mini Mickey in mini baby's room. As you can see, I am getting better about using macro
The had a guest book so I decided to start a new page and sign it for us

This was my entry. Clint said I was an asshole and made me change it

So I tried to fix it but that was not good enough for Clint.
So I tore out the page and started over

I dunno, the new page does not seem as authentic but whatever.
The gift shop was fun! It was not a real shop just a garage sale of doll house stuff that has been donated. I bought this monkey for .50!

He is going to sit in front of the framed picture of my Gran holding an organ grinder's monkey.
So, I am doing well and happy!
So, Marlo and I were bobbing around in the pool for about an hour ( and incidentally, I had about the fewest amount of tattoos there) and we decided we needed fun noodles ( those foam things from Dollar Tree). We discussed this for a while and decided to just go in to the Dollar Tree in our suits and towels and buy fun noodles. I left my sunglasses on though to hide my shame. We stayed in till about 3, I got a nice tan and was able to relax before my 70 hour work week started.
So, that's about it. This summer is shaping up to be kind of fun. We have some stuff planned; Muny plays, mine and Clint's 30th birthdays and museum events. I may even be dipping my toe back in the dating pool. It feels very uncomfortable right now, I have not dated at all since you-know-who but I need to try or I will just die alone in my apartment Miss Havisham style.
So, my sewing is going well. I made a purse! It's perfect, I am so in love with it
fabric choices
All done! I had a lot of help from Marlo but I did most of it.
Matching bag for my sun glasses
full of stuff
close up of the lining
Oh, so I guess we did one fun thing this month. We went to the miniature museum for Marlo's birthday. The museum is really just a shop front in Bevo Mills
my old neighborhood
Mini Mickey in mini baby's room. As you can see, I am getting better about using macro
The had a guest book so I decided to start a new page and sign it for us
This was my entry. Clint said I was an asshole and made me change it
So I tried to fix it but that was not good enough for Clint.
So I tore out the page and started over
I dunno, the new page does not seem as authentic but whatever.
The gift shop was fun! It was not a real shop just a garage sale of doll house stuff that has been donated. I bought this monkey for .50!
He is going to sit in front of the framed picture of my Gran holding an organ grinder's monkey.
So, I am doing well and happy!
It's time
It's time for Clint to have his once per year good come back. He got two in this year.
Me: I'm a creature of the city, I can't help it
Clint: You're a creature of the couch.
Clint: what's a vole?
Me: it's a small rodent
Clint: that sounds like something a rube would know
Me: I'm a creature of the city, I can't help it
Clint: You're a creature of the couch.
Clint: what's a vole?
Me: it's a small rodent
Clint: that sounds like something a rube would know
College Meg
Clint and I were just looking through the photo albums and I found a few pics of myself I have not seen since I was 19. Despite a terrible case of acne I was super cute!!

Washing my hands

at my desk

Washing my hands

at my desk
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- I am 30 and live in unincorporated St Louis with my cat, Izzy and my rabbit, Sam.
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